May 11, 2016Season Greetings
December 14, 2016It is the first day back to school and Facebook is streaming with the first steps out the door to new beginnings, exciting firsts and waves of smiling faces.
The excitement, anticipation and even dread are felt throughout the Greater Moncton community as children from Kindergarten to University are heading back to class whether for the first time or for the twelfth year and counting.
I still have very vivid and strong memories of “first days back” for Evan and Chrissy, Evan always so confident in his walk to school, assured in the knowledge that everything was going to be great. However; Chrissy, not so self-assured, filled with anxiety and stress causing a sleepless night for not only her yet the entire household. Yet, always they were ready for this new year of promise, with new back to school clothes, brand new book-bags laden with supplies and overstuffed lunch boxes.
Smiling in the full knowing that these moments are milestones, precious and to be celebrated.
Wee Colleges wishes all our children a happy first day back and are ready to welcome you afterschool sharing in your excitement and ready to hear all about it.
So thank you to all our moms and dads who have prepared their young children for this important first, to all our amazing teachers who will welcome them today, to the drivers who will safety transport them from school, you are all part of this successful and happy day.
I have attached this video to remind all of us to be kind, gentle and loving to our students as they enter into a new year of learning and growth.
Happy First Day of School!