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November 9, 2018
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December 17, 2018Creating Peace Through Christmas Memories
Time to Read: 5-6 min
“I don’t have time.”
Have you said something like this recently?
We often get caught up in the shopping frenzy, work, parties, or appointments.
But there’s one thing that offers us peace and warmth throughout the holidays: our Christmas memories spent with our loved ones.
Our Wee College Corporate team shares their favorite Christmas memories below, and we all encourage you to do the same. Take a few minutes to find some peace in your day – get cozy in your comfy PJs with a cup of hot chocolate and share your favorite Christmas memories with your loved ones.
Tina Gillis – The Feeling of Christmas
Christmas is such a busy time and it is hard to find time to get everything done that you want to get done. The shopping and shopping…and shopping just trying to find that perfect something to tell them that they are special.
My favorite time starts only after the wrapping paper reveals all the special presents that you shopped for – trying so hard to have the best thing under the tree.
It starts after the turkey you stood in a crowded store waiting for to get the biggest and plumpest to make the perfect dinner for your family.
It starts after the treats that you spent so much of your extra time on that turned out so sweet.
It is only then – after all the preparations – that I can relax and enjoy sharing with family and friends. We share, laugh and reflect on the past year and wonder where the time went.
This is the feeling I wait for every year.
Melody Munro – A Magical Christmas
Waking to the sounds of sleigh bells during the very early hours of Christmas morn’ was met with cheers of anticipation knowing that Santa had arrived at our home. Yet, no matter how I
sprang from my bed or sprinted to the hallway, I had never once caught sight of him – but the evidence of his presence was breathtaking, specular, and magical as my eyes adjusted to the sparkle and beauty from the array of decorations and a beautiful Evergreen adorned with twinkling lights surrounded by colorfully wrapped presents of many sizes.
You see the Magical part of this scene was that the night before, there was not a gift, tree nor ornament in sight.
As a young child I believed that Santa brought the gifts, the tree, the lights, the decorations, the music, and the smells of holiday cooking. Christmas Eve brought anticipation that the following morning our home would magically transform into a celebratory, festive, and joyful scene of Christmas.
As an adult there is a deeper appreciation and admiration for my family who labored extensively to prepare such a Christmas spectacular!
Patricia Worthington-Leblanc – Christmas Time is Family Time
Christmas has always been about family. Whether it has been with my parents and brother, grandparents, cousins or now my precious daughter and husband, family has always been the most important part of the holidays.
Growing up in Riverview, our Christmases were always traditional. My brother and I were always early to rise to open our stockings (in fact, sometimes MUCH too early – sorry Mom and Dad) before our grandparents and my aunt would make their way over to our place for presents and a delicious breakfast. It was just a small gathering. Quiet, but always wonderful. My brother and I grew up blessed and whether it was that “Make-Up Beauty” doll in all its 90’s glory that I coveted so much, or my first hamster that I was willing to sell my soul for, Santa always delivered.
There were a couple of years once I hit high-school though where our traditions changed, and we packed up and headed to Toronto to spend Christmas with my father’s side of the family, a large group of aunts, uncles, and cousins who I absolutely adored beyond words (and still do). We spent many summer vacations with this special group of people, but to spend Christmas with them was a rare gift and spending time with them was something I truly looked forward to more than any present under the tree.
It was the first Christmas after my grandfather had passed away and I remember gathering at my grandmother’s for an open house on Christmas Eve. My grandmother was the type who adopted everyone as her own. Neighbors, church friends, past colleagues, it didn’t matter. In her home everyone was family and this year, despite the noticeable absence of my grandfather, there was a full house of joy and laughter. I can’t recall now who decorated the tree that held its place in the corner of her large living room, but I’ll never forget the boxing day discovery that my clever cousin had taped his school picture to my grandmother’s antique tree-topper and the entire family then realized that we had spent Christmas with the Angel of Bryan shinning down upon us. To this day, 18 years later, I still laugh when I think about it.
They say, “cousins are a little bit of childhood that can never be lost” and it’s so true. When I look back on my fondest Christmas memories, it is those Toronto Christmases with the entire extended family that mean the most and hold a very special place in my heart.
Liz Jones – Togetherness at Christmas
I do not have one particular Christmas memory that stands out as my favorite. I do know that the ones that bring a smile to my face or happiness to my heart are the ones that involve the whole family being together.
As a kid, this meant my aunts and uncles, grandparents, and cousins were all together at my grandparents’ house. I cannot remember one gift but remember the warmth, laughter, dinners, family pictures, and love.
Today, it is us kids all grown up with kids of our own. Just my mom and uncle left from the generation before ours, but we are making those same favorite moments for our children. My sons, Luz, 13 and Alex, 16, tell me that they love it when we are all together. Togetherness is their favorite part of Christmas too.
Elyse Richard – My Mom and Me at Christmas
My parents always put everything into creating a wonderful Christmas for my older brother and me.
I remember we’d find chewed carrots on the lawn letting us know that Santa’s reindeer enjoyed a nice snack, an empty glass once filled with milk,and cookie crumbs scattered near the Christmas tree. It was so real and exciting.
My absolute favorite memories are those where I spend a few hours at a time with my mom. Whether we bake cookies, build a snowman, or visit the market during the holidays, they’re times I cherish because I skipped out on spending time with family in the past. Spending that time with her while the craziness of the Christmas season surrounds us gives me the warmest feeling and reminds me that both she and my dad gave and continue to give me a wonderful life filled with love and gratitude.
I now share that essence of giving each year.
From our Wee College Family to Yours, Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
Whether you celebrate old traditions or explore new ones, we hope you enjoy a peaceful Christmas season filled with memories this year with your loved ones. The time we’re able to spend together truly is the greatest time of all.